
Hello Everyone,

Yes, I admit, Zoran is a funny name, and it may seem like some random letters put together. However, believe it or not, my name actually means something. I was born at dawn (around 5 a.m.) in 1969. Because of that, I got my first name. The dawn in our language is called "Zora." The "n" added at the end of my name indicates that I am male.

Besides my unusual name, I also have a pretty thick accent. I don't astonish anybody with my presence, and I don't wear suits and ties either. Luckily for me, none of those things matter when it comes to being a good bookkeeper.


I know that you, as small business owners, have long working days. Most of you work hard at physical jobs, and handling transactions in the evenings, after dinner, is not something you look forward to. You want quality time spent with your spouse, children, and pets. Who can blame you for that? Nobody.

If you have enough extra money to spend on someone who would be happy to take care of your bookkeeping, I might be that person.

I am not going to try to convince you that I am the best and smartest bookkeeper you can get. That's not true. I am a good bookkeeper—experienced, reliable, and consistent. A guy who takes the job seriously. Some would say “Old School.”

What I can promise to you is:

Once a week, I will log into your QuickBooks account to download all transactions from your business bank accounts and credit cards. After downloading, I will categorize all transactions into the chart of accounts.

At the beginning of each month, I will reconcile all transactions from the previous month to ensure that all numbers match accurately.

At the beginning of each month, I will email three financial statements to you: the balance sheet statement, the income statement, and the cash flow statement.

That's it! This is the bookkeeping service that we offer on a monthly basis to keep your business finances in order.


Is anyone puzzled by the pictures at the top of this page?

There are two photographs of bread and one photograph of a book.

Besides bookkeeping, I also write. I write articles and texts for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbian portals, websites, and newspapers.

I even published a book two years ago. That's the one in the picture above. The book "Konkurs" contains 26 short stories about the past, the present, and the future.

I am also capable of making handmade sourdough artisan bread. My family says that it is very tasty. Not sure if they are just being polite. If you need one, let me know. I would be more than happy to make one for you.

Ok folks, let's wrap up my CV. I hope you find it interesting, and I hope you decide to give me a chance to become your bookkeeper. That would be something. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything that comes to mind. I will try to answer them with all my heart. Thanks a lot.

Zoran T.

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